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Saturday, 4 April 2015

The most SIMPLE and EASY steps to made Android Apps by Your Self

Here is the most SIMPLE and EASY steps to made Android Application (apk formate) even you didn't understand what is programing code... Web 2 apk lets you create an Android apps in apk format from any website.

You just fill a simple form including your website URL and the necessary text in order to customize some message boxes within the app. This website will create the App and give you a link for you to download it. This resulting App will be ready to be published by you in your Google Play account or your own website.

The number of mobile devices with full web browsing capability is growing in such a way that right now Apple, Microsoft, Google, etc. are playing their battleground over the mobile market. So it figures that anything you can do to place your website in those millions of devices, is a good thing.

There is a small "token" cost involved when using my APK creation engine: You may donate me some money in order for me to pay the server monthly fee.

About two years ago, I was in the search for a website offering a service similar to this one. I found it and happily created my first app with them. I published my app under my own google play store account, only to find some days later that the app was showing big ads over my content. This was an annoying problem for me. Specially because that website where I created my app, claimed how easy it was to go from your website url to an App, all while being a FREE service. I consider it deceptive by not making it more clear and obvious that apps made with the "free" tag - unless you pay them big money not to - includes the right to place all the ads they wanted over my web content. But then it happens that I am a programmer too. So I decided not to use their 'free' services anymore and created my own app without their interference. Now, just for the fun of it, I created this website, similar to their own. I hope you find it useful.

LETS create your Android Apps by your self, find the most simple step in or download Web 2 Apk in Google PlyStore...
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