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Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Berita Iptek: How To Install Windows 10 Technical Preview In A Sandbox

If you love Windows and just can’t wait for the final public release of Windows 10 then don’t worry Windows 10 Technical Preview is here and available to download and install at your leisure. Microsoft made the OS available for download recently and it’s available free of charge.

If you want to get up close and personal with the latest version of Windows then you have a couple options. First up, if you have an old PC that isn’t doing very much then you could install Windows 10 from a flash drive. That may not be the best solution. We think it would be better to run the new OS inside a “sandbox,” a virtual machine. This way it won’t affect your system in any way and it’ll be more convenient than rummaging around for that old PC.

This is a quick guide on how to install what you need in a few steps:

1: Start off by navigating Microsoft’s website and download the Windows 10 Technical Preview ISO file. Just simply click through the “Get Started” and “Join Now” screens, then scroll down and choose the appropriate language and version (32- or 64-bit).

2: Download and install Oracle VM VirtualBox, the free virtualization tool which is going to make it possible for you to run Windows 10 inside Windows.

3: Run VirtualBox, then click the New icon. In the Create Virtual Machine dialog box, type ‘Windows 10,’ then click the version selector and choose Windows 8.1 You must ensure that you match the ISO to what you downloaded, either 32 or 64 bit, to what version is listed for 8.1.

4: VirtualBox will provide you with a recommended memory size; accept unless you have a specific reason for changing it. Then select ‘Create a virtual hard drive’ and click Create. Accept VDI as the file type for the drive and then choose Fixed Size for the virtual drive. Finally, click Create and wait while VirtualBox constructs your virtual drive.

5: When the drive is ready, click the Start button in the VirtualBox toolbar. You’ll see a box telling you to ‘Select start-up disk.’ Just Click the file folder next to the pull-down and navigate to the Windows 10 ISO file you downloaded in the first step and click Start.

6: Now just install Windows as normal, but make sure to choose the ‘Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)’ option when asked. As usual, the setup process may involve a few reboots, though only within the confines of the VM.

Voila! Now you should have a version of Windows 10 running inside a safe and sandboxed window. Please note although the installation appears to have completed, you will have to reboot the system manually once more. After that, you are good to go for as long as you have the preview trial.

SOURCE: http://news.filehippo.com/2014/10/install-windows-10-technical-preview-sandbox/
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